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How to wear Animal prints

Animal prints are hot, sexy, glamorous, feminine yet wild, tough, brave, bold and exotic. They add an extra oomph to your personality and help you leave an everlasting impression. An animal print may, undoubtedly, bring out your wild side without making you compromise on your feminine traits.
Animal prints in neutrals and solid colour like the basic black, white, brown, and beige are popular. However, animal prints may be worn in mauve, pinks, purples and reds for a real erotic feminine look.
You have a large variety of animal prints to select from. Some popular prints include the crocodile print, zebra print, tiger print, cheetah print, deer print, and the reptile print.

Crocodile print

Cheetah- Leopard print
Cheetah / Leopard print

Snake print
Snake print

Tiger print
Tiger print

Zebra print
Zebra print

Tips for wearing animal prints:

1) Consider your body frame

Consider your body frame before going for an animal print outfit. A wrong choice can spoil your personality. Prints like cheetah and leopard are tighter and they look great on most people. Larger scale prints like zebra prints have lots of white space in them and are more difficult to pull of.
Animal print belt
If you have a tiny waist, you can wear an animal print belt around it, or tie an animal print scarf above some great cleavage to highlight the areas. Animal prints on big bottoms and tight print tops on large busts are a big NO.

Women with large body frame should stay away from zebra prints as they make you appear bigger. You can accessorize your plain white or black outfit with a zebra print clutch bag or shoes.

Women with a small body frame can go for leopard print dress in soft and flowy fabric. Frills and tiers add feminine touch to your look.
Animal print dress

Animal print dress / leggings
You can team up your plain tunic dress with a pair of animal print leggings for a stylish look. Both fitted and flowy silhouette looks good on you.

2) Consider your style statement and personality
An animal print can turn out to be a fashion disaster or appear pleasing, depending the way you wear it and the way you carry it off. Always remember that you should feel confident in whatever you wear. Consider your style statement and comfort zone before blindly following others.

If you prefer a punk or a stylish clothing look, you can play around with different color animal prints. You can wear animal prints in bright pinks, lime and green. Make sure to team up your animal print top or bottom with a solid color. For example; if you are wearing a bright pink animal print top, team it up with a solid black bottom. Accessorize the outfit with some plain silver chains around your waistline.
Pink animal print dress

If you are looking for a classy look, you can always team up your leopard print overcoat with a black dress beneath. The coat would look elegant with a black shirt and trouser beneath it. Keep your accessories very simple and elegant. Avoid overdoing. Remember less is more.
Animal print coats
Animal print coat

If you are not very comfortable carrying animal prints but wish to give it a try, you can go for small animal prints which are not too bold.

Animal print lining coats / jackets
Pick up a jacket or a coat with an animal print lining.

Animal print scarves
Animal print scarves - stoles
Accessorize your plain outfit with a small animal print scarf around your neck, or wear it as a hair band. If you are wearing animal print footwear, make sure to keep rest of your outfit simple.

General rules:

Do not overdo the ensemble: Keep the silhouette elegant, simple and sleek. Animal print looks best when present only in one pattern and in no more than one or two elements within an outfit. Animal prints can create attention anywhere you go. Therefore, going overboard with these prints won’t make you fashionable.

Avoid matching animal print with the rest of your clothes and accessories: An animal print outfit teamed with matching accessories such as belts, shoes or purse can spoil the look. You may accessorise your animal print garments with metallic belts, chains or plain leather or suede belts in contrasting colors.

Less is more: If you are wearing an animal print outfit, keep everything else simple, elegant and sleek.

Because animal prints are so busy, accessories fight visually with the pattern. It is therefore advisable to wear minimal accessories. Opt for a simple accessory like a black pair of simple shoes or a simple black belt around a dress. You can make your look by wearing minimal jewelry.
Avoid wearing animal print accessories, like footwear, handbags, belts etc along with your animal print outfit. Keep your outfit simple and minimalist.

  • Opt for subtle sequins and gold tones for a ravishing wild seductive look.
  • Keep a single signature piece as the basic and mix- match with plain leggings.
  • Animal print top when paired with an excessively short skirt may look weird.

Carry yourself with confidence and grace, as what else may suit you more than these two attributes!
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