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How to wear Safari pants

Safari clothing is wild, bold, rustic, adventurous, sporty and fun. And so are the safari pants. They are best for your adventurous outings to the forest reserves, wild life sanctuaries or trekking. They make for a cool, comfortable and trendy wear.
How to wear safari pants
  • Safari pants are timeless, classy, refined and highly functional. Colors like neutral beige, cream, gray, olive green, rust, golden and khaki adds safari feel and touch to the garment. Hues of vanilla, mocha, camel, olive, coffee brown or tomato red are also trendy and hot safari colors.
  • Safari pants may be plain or printed in some military prints as well. They may be wide-legged or hip-flared versions as well. Safari pants can reach up to your ankles and mid-calf. Shorter ones may be as small as shorts. Big or small metallic buttons instead of zipper closure may also add to the rustic look.
  • Safari pants feature a number of pockets done here and there to offer you maximum storage facility and also to add adventure to your ensemble.
  • Safari pants make for a very good travel item. Wear them in soft cottons and discover new lands that you have yet to visit.

Wearing safari pants:

Wearing safari pants
  • Sleeveless and cropped safari jackets worn over a plain t-shirt or shirt may pair well with safari pants. Even cropped end jackets may add to the adventurous feel.
  • You may also pair animal printed accessory, handbag, footwear or a top with your safari pant. Jackets with animal print linings within can be worn unbuttoned so as to show the print underneath.
  • Sophisticated look can also be fetched by plainer subdued styles and colors. The subdued variety mixed with some other fashion trend may make for a casual wear apt for casual outings as well.
  • Accessorize safari pants with leather belts for a sophisticated look whereas a metallic embellished chained, pleated or braided belt may help add glamor and adventure to the look.
  • Jewelery may be small and sophisticated as well as chunky and antique. Jewelery can be smartly incorporated to add dazzle and fun to otherwise elegant but dull safari clothing. Big metallic pendants, bracelets, rings and earrings may also add fun and style to the ensemble. Tribal jeweleries with all the colors and brightness, if done smartly, may help you look amazingly sexy.

Safari pants and body types:
Women safari pants
  • Safari pants with big flap pockets at the hips or thighs may add volume to petite women.
  • Women with rounded hips, waist and heavier highs and legs may opt for subtler varieties that feature smaller or no pockets at all.
  • The color scheme of the safari style may not appear quite flattering on voluptuous women, so opt for darker hues of olive, green, rust, khaki etc
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